Music – A Pathway to Rediscovery

I have always loved music. My parents tried to get me to play the violin for years, but in my youth, my interest was in computers. The old Wang desktops we used in high school, with cassette tapes used for data storage. Then the TRS-80, first with cassettes, then floppy disk that held a fraction… Continue reading Music – A Pathway to Rediscovery


In the wee hours of the morning, after another restless and near sleepless evening, I started listening to music.  The notes played on and then I suddenly realized that at that moment, I wasn’t really in the room.  My mind had wandered back in time, remembering a time when family members who are but a… Continue reading Balance


I walk out of my front door to get the phone from my car and I look up The crescent moon shines brightly in the quickly darkening sky Twilight receding, stars ascending and in front of me Stands mighty Orion, with Rigel’s light blazing forth And to one side sits Canopus, with the brightest star… Continue reading Moments

Ruminations at Christmastime

When I think about the things that happened this year, I want to go to a dark room and make everything go away.  And just like the college campuses around the United States that deem it necessary to isolate people supposedly investing their time to learn new things, experience a world outside of what they… Continue reading Ruminations at Christmastime